Answering the Biggest Unmet Need in Cancer Care Today

“I thought cancer was like dessert – you only got one. I thought wrong,” says Jim Riswold, a two-time cancer survivor and one of the advertising geniuses responsible for some of Nike’s most iconic ads. Fourteen years ago, Riswold was told he...

A Drink of Dietary Nitrates Lowers Blood Pressure

Joel M. Gore, MD Reviewing Kapil V et al., Hypertension 2015 Feb 65:320 Daily beet juice may have potential as a “natural” method of improving systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Dietary inorganic nitrates are converted after ingestion to the vasodilator nitric...

The Power of Whole Foods In Nutrition

The power of whole foods in nutrition has become more and more popular amongst positive nutrition messages.  So what does it mean?  Whole foods are foods that are unprocessed or processed and refined as little as possible before being eaten.  Whole foods typically do...

Fish and Omega3 Fatty Acids

Fish and Omega3 fatty acids have been recommended by dietitians and other health professionals for years now.  Fish is a good source of lean protein and it is high in vitamins and minerals, depending on the variety of fish. Fish and Omega3 Fatty Acids All fish contain...

Autumn Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet

Autumn Fruits and Vegetables Autumn Fruits and Vegetables in your diet are certain to reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and other conditions associated with aging if you eat at least 5 servings of colorful fruits and vegetables daily as part of an overall diet...

Visits With People In Early Stages of Dementia

 In people with early stage dementia, deficits may not be apparent until you get to know them. Most at this stage minimize their problem and do not think that they need help. Visits with People in Early Stages of Dementia These people know they have memory problems...

Super Salads

Super salads can be hearty enough for a meal or light enough for a snack. They are also a great way to add important nutrition to your day.  Don’t settle for just lettuce, tomato and cucumber in your salad.  Add different vegetables, fruits, cheeses and lean protein...