In people with early stage dementia, deficits may not be apparent until you get to know them. Most at this stage minimize their problem and do not think that they need help.

Visits with People in Early Stages of Dementiadepression-in-the-elderly-1

These people know they have memory problems and have learned how to compensate. Look for lots of reminder notes and routines – everything has its place. Notice if there is a disruption in routine that may be upsetting. You may notice the person acts defensive and pretends not to hear questions.

Meaningful Visits with People in Middle Stages of Dementia 

People in mid stage dementia have usually lost insight into their situation.

  • Observation is much more critical – body language will tell you a lot. If a person pulls away suddenly or jumps when someone comes in the room it can indicate mistreatment, fear, uncertainty, anxiety.