
You did a great job on the program and I know that many viewers will be very interested in “Oasis” opening on November!
I am looking forward to touring it so please let me know the day/time when it opens.
Your creativity with the designing of “Oasis” and your genuine caring about the persons who will live there, is very evident and I am delighted that you are making this facility available to everyone.  I will definitely pass the word along about it! (As I said, I wish it had been there for my parents, but at least it will now be there for SO many people who will love it!)

If you ever want to have a Memoir/Business History written about your experiences in the senior health care field, please do not hesitate to contact me.   Also, if you know of someone who would like to have their Memoir compiled, for future generations in their families to enjoy, please let them know I am available.

Jan Lewis