Polling Station at Dodge Park Rest Home 12/8/2009

In accordance with MA State Law, Governor Patrick has set a date for the special state election to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Dodge Park Rest Home will host the polling station for the area. For more information please contact...

Can Beta Carotene Supplementation Prevent Cognitive Decline?

These results from PHS II hint at some benefit, but recommending supplements would be premature. Oxidative stress has been implicated in the development of cognitive decline and dementia. Several studies have assessed whether antioxidant vitamins can lower the risk...

A Possible Blood Protein Diagnostic Test for Alzheimer Disease

This report suggests that a simple blood test may be quite accurate in identifying presymptomatic AD. However, larger studies performed by teams independent of the company that developed the test are needed to confirm the accuracy and utility of the test. Anthony L....

Occupational Therapy Improves Post-Stroke Outcomes

Nearly half of stroke survivors depend on others to carry out personal activities of daily living (ADL; e.g., feeding, bathing, dressing, and toileting). Rehabilitation therapies (e.g., physical therapy and occupational therapy) minimize dependency. However, the...

For Your Health – Don’t Overdo Teeth Whitening

-From the Director -Nafie Saba-Shapazian, RN While its nice to have pearly whites, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry says you can overdo it with home whitening products. They recommend discontinuing or reducing applications if these symptoms appear: Excessive...

The Buzz About Caffeine

Makes you smarter and thinner and protects against cancer? Caffeine, one of the world’s most used substances, improves wakefulness, mood, and attention and may increase apoptosis (which might protect against carcinogenesis). A population-based study and an...