March Observances

March Monthly Observances Irish American Heritage Month • National Craft Month • National Nutrition Month • Music in Our Schools Month • Women’s History Month • National Cheerleading Safety Month    March Daily Observances • Mar 1 – May 7 Whooping Crane...

Answering the Biggest Unmet Need in Cancer Care Today

“I thought cancer was like dessert – you only got one. I thought wrong,” says Jim Riswold, a two-time cancer survivor and one of the advertising geniuses responsible for some of Nike’s most iconic ads. Fourteen years ago, Riswold was told he...

A Drink of Dietary Nitrates Lowers Blood Pressure

Joel M. Gore, MD Reviewing Kapil V et al., Hypertension 2015 Feb 65:320 Daily beet juice may have potential as a “natural” method of improving systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Dietary inorganic nitrates are converted after ingestion to the vasodilator nitric...

Dodge Park Speaker Series – Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

A seminar series brought to you by Dodge Park Rest Home in preparation for the opening of our new facility specializing in Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care. April 8 What are the Ingredients of Good Dementia Care? with Gary S. Moak, M.D. May 21 What happens during a...