Congratulations—you’re still keeping up with your New Year’s resolution to get more exercise. In the dead of winter, staying active is important, but it can also be hazardous if you’re not careful.

Take these precautions to stay healthy when you’re exercising during the cold weather:
exercising during the cold weather

Get some mittens. They keep your hands warmer than gloves. Better yet, get the kind that converts to fingerless gloves, so you can adjust when you start warming up.


exercising during the cold weather

Switch to hiking boots. If you’re planning to do your power walk, put on a pair of hiking boots or another pair of shoes with good traction. Cold weather usually means snowy and icy sidewalks and roads.



Use ski poles. After you put on your hiking boots, you might want to grab your ski poles or a couple of walking sticks. They’ll help stabilize you while you walk.



Check the wind’s direction. On those days when the wind is biting, start your jog or walk going into the wind. That way when you’re heading back home, the wind will be at your back. You won’t feel as cold or tired after all that sweating.



Drink plenty of water. You might notice it less, but you’re still losing a lot of water when you exercise in cold weather. Try to drink every 15 minutes.