The eyes can be the most vulnerable part of our bodies when we’re at work.

eye care

The eyes can be the most vulnerable part of our bodies when we’re at work. Using the proper eye protection on the job is important, but accidents like chemical splashes or collisions can still happen. The first aid that you apply to your eyes can mean the difference between minor eye damage and permanent disability.

Follow these first aid techniques in these specific situations for proper eye care:

Foreign objects. Don’t rub your eyes. Instead, lift your upper eyelid outward and gently pull it over your lower lashes. This will cause your eye to tear, which can wash out the foreign object. However, if an object is embedded in your eye, don’t try to remove it and immediately seek medical attention.
Chemicals. Immediately flush your eyes with cool water for at least 15 minutes. If possible, keep your head under a stream of water from the faucet, or slowly pour water from a cup to your eyes. If you wear contacts, remove them immediately and then flush your eyes. See a doctor right away.
Black eyes. If you get a blow to the eyes, use cold compresses for about 15 minutes every hour. Have your doctor check your eyes for any internal damage.
Cut or penetration. Gently cover your eye with a bandage or gauze and go to a nearby hospital. Don’t try to flush your eyes with water, remove the object, or apply medication.